Saturday, October 30, 2010

I like watching the sea and thinking un-challenging thoughts like ‘wow, all that water,’ or ‘god, the sea’s really big.’ I like seeing the waves froth and fizzle on the shore. Or digging my feet into the warm sand and feeling it grainy between my toes. I love looking for shells - those curly ones like tiny unicorn horns - and smooth gray pebbles with streaks of marble running through. I love closing my eyes and listening to the crashing waves and people’s laughter. And smelling the salty air, tasting it on my lips. My favorite thing is to paddle in clear water, searching for gold. I’ll see a glinting speck and try to pinch it up. Of course, it never is gold, just another grain of sand made shimmery by sun and water. But I don’t mind because the joy is all in the seeking.

- Anna Maxted

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